Monday, August 14, 2006

I feel better today. Weird stuff, yesterday.

Today, I register for a class at OCC. I have no idea where I'm going with it, except that I want to keep my brain occupied. I never took a writing class before, so I'm starting with that. Next semester, maybe belly dancing. After that, sociology or something. Maybe one of those literature classes, so I can read books and talk about them. Sounds good.


My dad believes in the power of hot water, dish soap, holey underwear demoted to rags, and daily scrubbing. I believe in the power of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, the bleach pen and the Clorox wipes. Anyway, my dad was annoyed with my place. I cleaned hard for a week before he came, but it wasn't enough. I forgot how particular he is.

He gets frustrated so easily. I came downstairs one evening to find him poking around a plastic farm setup The Bug got for his birthday. The pieces weren't all there; The Bug likes to deconstruct his toys and scatter their bits, but my dad was trying to put it together and getting really pissed off about it. Same thing with that little triangular brain teaser game with the holes and pegs - when he saw it on the table at a breakfast joint, he didn't even want to look at it.

He told me, when he was young, he wanted to be a scientist when he grew up.


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