Saturday, February 19, 2005

I have an apple in my mouth. Topless, no glasses, unwashed, just out of bed at 10:30 am on a Saturday morning. Mornings are tough. I never liked them. Now that they come with a sick frenzy that only time and nauseating food will cure, I like them even less. Now I can't sleep through them. Whenever I wake up, now, it's morning.

This morning, at about 7:00, the sky took a grand dump. It didn't rain so much as God threw out the pasta water. It fell so hard it sounded like hail, but it wasn't cold enough to be hail. Watching hail as a kid, that was interesting. Watching it jump around on the ground. Watching the adults scurry.

There's a big window in my house back home, right up front, where you can sit on your knees backward on the couch and watch the weather.

I was never grounded much. Grounded means the parents take away a privilege for a set amount of time. If I fucked up enough, the privilege was just gone. I was never just sent to my room. I was sent to my parents' room, and advised to pick out which of my dad's belts I wanted used on me.

Still can't imagine doing that to someone, but I suppose kids can drive you to insanity. You never can know what you'll do, no matter how doe-eyed and idealistic you are before you give birth.

Apple's done. Need to drag my sorry morning ass to the shower. I'm not at my best at this time.


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