Saturday, February 12, 2005

nothing like finding out you're normal. especially when you're standing in line at the japanese market and everything goes woozy, you stop being able to hear, black spots appear in your vision, your legs give out. not the type to pass out; not the swooning kind, but there i am acting like any drama-attention-whore while handing my credit card over. people looking at me like i'm drunk, because you can't really see the belly unless you look hard.

the mister helped me to a table where i sat down, got very hot, forced myself not to throw up, and got better. just a severe fall in blood pressure, very fast, and a quick google search shows pregnant women everywhere having the exact same problem.


"why are we going to tower?"

he says he doesn't know, just wants to look around. this means mucho money will be spent, and i say nothing, because inspiration is priceless.

outside, mexican food and exhaust on the wind hit me in the face, hard, mean; i don't breathe until i get to the car. everything so magnified. emo boys wander the parking lot and we laugh.


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