Wednesday, January 12, 2005

So the kid is in there, squirming around and shit. The doctor is guessing girl because the heartbeat is so fast - 161 bpm today, 180 bpm a few weeks ago. The kid has actual fingers and toes that you can see, plus a face and a round belly. It moves around like, "Wtf are you poking me?" Stretches, a bit. Picks its nose. I laughed when they took the picture so it came out blurry.

You just have to laugh.

The doctor said we were the weirdest experience of her day. Several reasons. I lost a shoe size. All my shoes are coming off, and I bought a pair a size smaller than usual last weekend. Also, Mr. Aran knew where the thyroid was, because he'd been drawing zombies all night and this sort of information must be crucial. Lastly, he kept playing with this combat flashlight thing. It blinds your opponent and has these sharp edges for, I don't know, ripping out people's thyroids. He found it fun to blind people from across the room, watch them blink and try to figure out where it came from. I spent most of the appointment with a little dot right in the center of my vision.


At 1:58 AM , Blogger Brendan Thorne said...

Aren't your feet supposed to SWELL during pregnancy? I laughed like a hyena all over this post.


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