Friday, May 26, 2006

Today, the Bug falls asleep on my shoulder, to the sound of a leafblower outside, and my quiet rendition of Tori Amos' "China."

Somewhere, a child falls asleep at a bus stop, on his aunt's lap.

Somewhere, a child falls asleep between his parents, who fought earlier, in their bed.

Somewhere, a child falls asleep watching the shadows of a ceiling fan race across a hardwood floor.

Somewhere, a child falls asleep under a tree, in a grassy valley, while his brothers and grandmother tend the sheep.

Somewhere, a child falls asleep on the back of a water buffalo, his older sister holding him upright.

Somewhere, a child falls asleep in the heat, sweating into his clothes.

Somewhere, a child falls asleep in the cold, bundled up to his neck, his breath making patterns that his mother watches for reassurance.


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