Saturday, September 24, 2005

You get so you don't turn on the soft pink light. Fuck that. You change the diaper in the dark. You ignore the whining cat. When you're in the Crossroads, and the flagged dwarf comes riding up, you just tell him he's a sexy devil. Then he cheers at you and rides off. Because after awhile, you're just too tired to do things that, before, you didn't even know were tiring. And that woman you saw at Target, the one carrying the four-year old on her hip, sucking on the kid's pacifier, you sort of understand that.


I'd start calling Mister Aran "Primate" instead, since that's part of the name he seems to have given himself, but I don't want it misconstrued. I don't want people thinking I look down the evolutionary ladder at him, even if apes are really fucking cool. Truth is, were he any more evolved, he probably wouldn't be visible on this plane.

At any rate, I could get used to his style of writing.

I should've called him Bill Rizer, after that guy in Contra, because I always figured he would settle down with Samus one day. The name sucks, though. I mean, come on, Konami. Bill Rizer?


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