Sunday, September 04, 2005

Weight gain and the hope of Plundered Poonani

I have to be weighed this morning, in an hour and a half. I'm having my requisite three egg whites, oatmeal, fruit and water, which is how I start most of my mornings. Tasty, low on points, feeling good about the new day, hoo rah.

Something goes wrong after noon. Being another human's sole food source is hungry work - and pretty creepy in a cannibalistic way - not to mention I'm dealing with my sugar addiction again. I was managing it before I got pregnant, but now I have to start all over again with the internal violence.

I just couldn't bring myself to write down the food this week. It used to be so fun, the writing down, the simple math, the Night Before Weigh-In Tension, the jubilee when I'd lost. Now it just seems like work.

That's what's good about being accountable every weekend, though. You get a fresh start on Monday.

I'd continue with this boring shit, but I have updating to do on TheBugStuff.



So I got weighed, and I gained a pound and a half. The people at this Weight Watchers location are so dry and boring that I couldn't even have a proper meltdown. So I went to the store and bought some peaches, then when I got home, I ate an ice cream sammich. That's how I deal with things.

The good thing about Weight Watchers is, you know what to do. You can look back and pinpoint where you went wrong. I know what I have to do; I just don't want to do it. I need to lay off the ice cream sammiches, for one thing. They may be only two points each, but those two points add up. It's just - UNNNNGGHH. Sometimes I think I'll go stabbity stabbity if I don't get some sammich in me.

Maybe it's the lack of sex, which I do believe will be all bettah starting this week, when the doctor will tell me that the poonani is fresh as a daisy and ready to be plundered. This week, on the space on my Weight Watchers food diary for my weekly goals, I shall write: "Plundered poonani, much nursing, more exercise, less sammich. Oh, and more water."


I'm just enjoying the phrase "plundered poonani." So I wrote it again.


In other news, I made it so you have to type a word when you comment, because I kept getting automated comments. They weren't even GOOD automated comments. One guy had a candle-making blog, for fuck's sake. Another guy claimed to have a black belt in Arnis. I may be crazy, but I don't believe Arnis does the belt thing. So, no more clicky on ass blogs may be done through Samus. Let me know if the word verification machine springs up any dirty words.

Also, I want a little list on the side that shows what blogs I read, because I think people would be all excited to see their names on my list, or maybe would commit seppuku if theirs wasn't on my list, and that's the kind of power I'd like to wield. I just need to know how to do it. I've been clicky around all morning on blogger and can't figure it out. So leave a word-verified comment explaining it to me.


At 2:46 AM , Blogger Gareth Lewin said...

The term is "blogroll", and after some googling (way more than should be needed for this) I found that has an entry about it.

I don't use blogger, so I'm a bit stuck there, although if I recall correctly Mr Aran makes games, which makes him no less qualified than me to help you :)

Oh, not sure if "piluew" is a dirty word or not, but that's what i had to type in. It's called a captcha btw. I have no idea why I know that fact.

At 5:31 AM , Blogger Shani said...

I don't know how to do anything automated, but if you just want to add a list of links that can be done easily if you know some basic HTML.

On your template, I personally would find the code for the 'About Me' or 'Previous Posts' headings, and call it 'Links'. Then put the code in that Blogger Help article underneath that it.

Reply if you need help, but it's much easier in person, so I'd suggest getting people you know In Real Life to do it for you if you're not sure how.

At 9:56 AM , Blogger Samus said...

Thanks! I shall clicky around and if that doesn't work, I will feed Brendan in exchange for his expertise.

At 11:22 PM , Blogger Brendan Thorne said...

I'm a tard and don't know how to set up special features like that. You can still feed me though!

At 6:16 AM , Blogger Shani said...

heh alternatively you could email me the template and the list of links you want. It's annoying how sometimes the things that take 30 seconds to do would take 30 minutes to explain.

At 1:58 PM , Blogger Samus said...

Dude Brendan, you HAVE the exact thing I want on YOU page.

Shani is my new Brendan. As soon as I have both hands with which to type, I will figure it out.


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