Friday, February 25, 2005

I've been writing longhand lately. Mr. Aran says in his classes that art is a physical thing, and so is writing. It's a goddamn workout. Both drawing and writing can be done on computers these days, but there's something about putting pen to paper and scratching away. It makes your hand hurt, it forces your body to get loose, your mind to slow down. I get tired and annoyed half a page down. I have to force myself to keep going.

I'm not writing anything really. Sometimes it's all "Dammit get to the bottom of this page, or no fucking cookie." I get to the bottom of the page and I feel like I've accomplished something. A bit of the rainforest is gone and my ink is all over it.

Nothing has come of it, yet, nothing shareable, but this is not the fight. This is training for the fight. I just need to get my body, literally, back into writing shape.

In other news, I'm drinking coffee right now. That's right. I gave in. It's decaf. I know that doesn't matter, that there's still caffeine in it and that it's actually been proven to be worse for you than regular, but damn. Damn, it's so good. It's better than I remember. Not like smoking. I gave up smoking for a few years but always thought I'd do it again if I were ever away from Mr. Aran for more than a day. Then I went on a roadtrip alone to NoCal and my first gas stop, I bought my precious Camel Lights in the hard pack. I lit up in the car, inhaled, and nearly choked. It was awful. The smell. The taste in my mouth. Horrid. I tried another, just to make sure, and it made me sick. I gave the pack away to a friend when I got into town.

Now, coffee. Coffee is my friend. I'm having all kinds of coffee memories right now. So good.


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