Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm unsure how to explain my class. Does it make sense that I am interested in the work but disappointed with everything else?

I get to read these great stories and poems, but I don't get to discuss them in any meaningful way because my classmates are idiots and assholes. The idiots can't begin to discuss work with any depth besides, "The poem had the word 'weary' in it. It's depressing" or "It's not really a poem because there's no story."

No, really.

And the assholes might have something interesting to say if they could get off their fucking high horses for five minutes and contribute. They sit in the back of the class, hoodies pulled low over their foreheads, rolling their eyes and sighing, asking smartass questions and bragging about having lived in Europe when the pope died. "I mean, he's just a fucking dead guy in a box. What's the big deal?"

That particular one kept popping pills from an Advil bottle and washing them down with Diet Sprite. Later she announced that she couldn't wait for her Vicodin to kick in.

I'll pose a question to you, any of you who have done this. Why do people take classes they don't want to take? I could perhaps understand if it was a credit they needed that they didn't give a shit about, but once you get into creative writing, you have chosen to be there. You're not there because you want to be a programmer but creative writing was required for graduation. Why the fuck are these people there? I was bristling with hatred half the night at the sighing witticisms. Education is so wasted on the young.



I don't like reading aloud.

Maybe I wouldn't mind it if the other people had something interesting to say in response, some criticism I could use.

I'm going to have to do what I set out to do. Learn everything I can, do my best.

*Whenever I say "anyway," one should hear the lyric from this song.


At 1:13 PM , Blogger Gareth Lewin said...

I sure it will turn out well, but you are already an excellent writer, so I doubt there is much they will teach you.

I am assuming this is a prerequist course before you move on to bigger and better things?

At 5:36 PM , Blogger Samus said...

Wrong on both counts, Mister Lewin!

I have only taken one class, but I am now learning about implied metaphor, conceit, petrarchan conceit, metonymy, synecdoche, synesthesia and transferred epithet. I am learning how to pick apart poems and memorize them. I am charting everything I read, and my thoughts about the reading, which is a nice habit. I am being forced to read out loud, which is its own art.

And, no, I have no idea what other classes, if any, I will eventually take. I am trying to concentrate on each thing in my life with a willingness to learn what's being put before me, and faith that what's being put before me is what I need to learn. Also, I'm forcing myself to study and memorize and read out loud. These are uncomfortable, horrible things that I hate. The class itself gave me a monstrous headache and I hated nearly everyone in it; when I got home, I told Mister Aran that it was my Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I'm sure I'm overdramatizing it and that it'll get better.

At 5:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been in photography classes where the best students were the ones who didn't have it as a major and the worst were the ones who claimed to already be "photographers" (Half of which I could out shoot and I still don't consider myself one.)

I think the fact that they are taking a class they feel they already have mastered is key in whether or not they are going to be a complete douche during it. Just a few cents.

At 9:44 AM , Blogger Samus said...

<3 <3 <3 Turk!


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