Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The definition of a cluster

You get:

One hour
One mage
One hunter
One warrior
One heavily armed, purpled-out shaman
One priest, you
Eight waters

Your shaman arrives first. You follow him up the chain and into the instance. In true form, he's fighting within seconds, and you're healing like a crazy person. The hunter comes next. He saves a big pull and all is well, but your warrior lags out and falls in the lava. He announces that he is lost. Your shaman goes to get him.

The mage arrives and all you three have to do is wait for the shaman and warrior to get back. So your hunter pulls three guys. He feigns, you sit and watch until you're sure it's not going to end well, then you run for the entrance, only to find out that not only did the mage make it out way before you, she managed to die out there. With like 800 people waiting to zone for BWL, so you can't find her corpse.

The warrior falls in the lava again.

The mage goes brb.

Shaman, hunter and you go back in and pull again. Plan is: you MC one guy, hunter traps another, shaman tanks, once MC wears off the hunter should... do something.

The MC wears off and the hunter announces that he will be carrying in some groceries.

"Is that okay?"

Nobody answers because you have about four mobs munching steady on your asses. You and Mr. Purple Shaman manage, with a potion and that one spell that gives you a free thingie (I can't remember the names of those whatever disc/holy spells), manage to live. Hunter gets back from putting the milk away and announces that you make this place look 3-mannable.

Warrior zones in. Warrior goes LD.

Mage returns.

The hour ends.

You do what anyone would do if they'd managed to get only three feet into LBRS on their first try: strip naked and dance for the now 1000 people waiting to zone.


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