Sunday, January 01, 2006

Some people look down on New Year's resolutions, seeing as how 90% of them go by the wayside by February, but I like any excuse to create positive change in my life. I don't have any specific resolutions, myself, but January One always feels fresh and new, like a deep breath of cool morning air.

One thing I know about changing a habit is, success stories rarely go like: "One day I just decided to change, and I never ever did it again!" You hear it sometimes from ex-smokers. My massage therapy instructor once said it about her diet. I wanted to smash her face. If eating sugar were really such a bad habit, she wouldn't have had such an easy time stopping, n'est pas?

So all of you resolving to not do all the things you're doing tonight ever again, my best hopes and wishes go with you. Remember: most smokers snuck a cigarette or two, or at least stood close to a stranger smoking at the bus stop, before they gave up for good, and many of us kicking the sugar habit will still need that weekly cookie (or three), and those of us with crisp new gym membership cards will skip some days, and sometimes whole weeks, before we get it right. We will fail many times before we succeed, and even our success will be dotted with little failures, because that is life.

Indeed, many of us will make the same resolutions on January One, Two Thousand and Seven, but the only way we fail is by giving up forever, so this year, let's not beat ourselves up. Let's maybe take better care of ourselves when we fall down. Let's meet our messups with forgiveness and kindness and a lot of humor.

Happy New Year, everybody.


At 4:26 PM , Blogger Gareth Lewin said...

Happy new year.

On a side note, in January 2002 a friend of mine made a stop smoking resolution, he did stop for a while, but started up again.

I woke a few days later and decided it was time for me to stop. And I just did. Sorry if saying it pisses you off :)

I stopped cold turkey. Have not had a smoke since then, and now days I don't even desire to.

Secret word of the day: hylgxn

At 11:06 AM , Blogger Samus said...

Hi Gareth!

That doesn't piss me off, because I stopped smoking in the same way, nine years ago. I did it so Mister Aran would kiss me. There could be no better motivation.


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