Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Good days make for bad blogs

He only woke me twice last night, and went down easy. Today we figured out the front carrier. I did laundry. I didn't binge out. Yesterday I binged out because I got a jury summons in the mail. These things stress me. Los Angeles is a scary place to have jury duty. Just getting to the place is a nightmare. Then they lose your paperwork and all is a horrible mess and the place is crawling with old people and smelly people. Then, in six months, you get another summons.

After my binge, I felt good enough to look at the summons, though, and it was for Orange County. Having moved to L.A. County, I'm automatically excused. Then I saw the little box that says I'm also excused if I'm another person's primary care provider. Yay for new baby! So the L.A. summons can come if it wants to; I have a kid now.

One large piece strawberry pie and one Klondike bar wasted.


Routine saves the day, as in all other traumatic situations. Predictability is the enemy of crisis.


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