Saturday, October 28, 2006

I want to believe there's a way out. If we could just drill in Alaska for a short time, long enough to develop alternative energy. If we could just pull out of the Middle East altogether, take our sticky fingers out of their lives and politics, leave Israel to fend for itself. If we could just secure our borders, stop outsourcing. If we could just, if we could just, if we could just.

Then they'd stop hating us, the great devil America. They'd stop developing the bomb, or at least, they'd use it against one another and not us. They'd dismantle the cells of operations here, go back home. They'd stop stockpiling weapons, sending their young boys into the streets in cars filled with explosives. Free to live under the strict rule of Islam, they'd allow the rest of the world their own religous freedom. They'd stop kidnapping, beheading. They'd have no reason to put live bombs into the hands of children to throw at tanks. They'd retire their AK-47s, rebuild their cities, grow vegetables, vote or not; this isn't our business.

I want to believe what the Democrats say: that it's our fault. That it can be fixed by leaving them alone.

The closest thing to truth that we have, now, is not the politicians or the media. It's the armed forces. The little they're allowed to say. Listen carefully.


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