Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I used to edit. Sorta. I read my pieces eighty times, making changes in the text as I went. I fixed problems. I chose better words. I considered what other readers said and sometimes made those changes.

But it's only since starting this class that I've really learned to edit. I have a long way to go, I see now. But editing is so great. None of the original rush of creation, which sucks, but it's nihilistic, which just tickles my Tyler Durden pink.

I'll leave you with that image for a second.



I love having early drafts, now. I love watching the number of drafts stack up. And I love being able to show people the laughable differences between number one (usually half scratched out on paper) and number nine or ten. The last one isn't as crazy, but it is loved. Deeply loved. It's like marriage vs. one-night-stand.


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