Monday, October 04, 2004

The Geekiness of it All.

I spent most of the weekend playing WoW, I think.

I say "I think" because if I really had done that, I should have gotten more than one level. It doesn't help that I'm soloing a lot these days. I met two boys in the game, Temuchinx and Devotchka, who are superb players and very nice and put up with my girlish "yay!" stuff. They don't flinch when I do the /chicken emote to them as a greeting - this now has sound. You can imagine the hilarity. I follow up with a /kiss, which also has appropriate smooching sounds. The animation is new and improved now, as well, which means that when you miss, you really miss. As in, my wand shots were missing by a good six feet, flying fuckall out into the aptmosphere as if I hadn't even tried.

I met Temu when he was two levels lower than I, and this morning ("I have seven minutes! I can kill some things!"), he was level 55. This is insane. I am insane, having spent my entire weekend LFG, /chicken, burning through mageweave bandages, and only going from 44 to 45. I told him to quit it, or we wouldn't be able to play together anymore. He said he couldn't help it.

Devotchka helped start his guild - so help me, I can't remember the name of it. It had "horde" in it. Good on him; all good things have "horde". He was sweet and ready to fight for me within an hour. Not the fake fighting he does with his enormous staff...


...but real fighting, as real as it gets on the Internet. Like in the general chat. When someone called me a guy. Quote of the week:

Devotchka: Don't make me lose to you in a duel!

Angry General Chat Guy messaged me soon after, very pissed off. Internet Boys have a hard time with Internet Girls because Boys have often tried very hard to get into the RL panties of Girls only to find out their Girl is wearing size XXXL boxers in his mother's basement. I understand the frustration. Testosterone is a difficult thing. I feel for you, boys, I do! But if you are nowhere near my panties, and I have done nothing to make you think that said panties are being offered, could you please get off my ass about being a chick?

Angry Guy wanted to know when I'd gotten into the beta, and how, because as the official Booty Bay Sheriff, he had not seen my name in /who before, so I must be lying, not only about being female but about all things.

I wish I'd had time to have fun with him. He was being harassed by a GM at the moment and wanted to rail on GFrazier, a quiet boy I've met a time or two at my husband's office. I couldn't, however; Mok'rash, a giant who lives by his lonesome on an island close to Booty Bay was making a lot of noise, like you do when you live on an island by yourself and you are enormous. The only interesting thing to happen to poor Mok'rash, ever, was when some guy called Smotts gave him shit, and Mok has been pissed ever since. Mok was really cutting into my /v flirt schedule, so he had to go.

Devotchka was game. I was game. Some other priest from Silvermana was game. It was on.

Silvermana Priest and I levitate across the water like the badass priests we are. We stare down the Mok guy, who paces and whines in all red caps. Dev goes bear and it's on.

DOT. HOT. Flash heal. Heal. Dev dies.

Feeling very *not* badass, we retreat to Booty Bay. Dev says maybe we should try again, but heal this time. Ouch.

Drewon, a boy from my guild, who is sexy as hell for doing this, comes to our aid. Several other people from the "horde" guild come to our aid. We have ourselves a raid.

Dev goes bear. A helpful shaman gives us waterwalking buffs, which make us priests a little sad that we don't need to float about anymore. Dev goes in.

DOT. HOT. Hea...

...I'm out of range. WTF?

Dev-as-bear floats away into the horizon, sort of swimming. Into the sunset, right through the air. Our tank has crashed. Later, he will apologize profusely, as if he did it on purpose to spite us.

The giant goes down laughably easy. We take down another giant a short while after, also easily.

Dev and I also duelled in the PVP arena. He's five levels above me. He kicked my ass, but I made it hard on him by running around a lot and mana burning fuck out of him. More people need to take advantage of the arena.

In short, if you are a very cool person, add Devotchka and Temuchinx to your friends list. Send them some peacebloom or something, and tell them Samus sent you.


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